The week began with an assembly and the book being presented to the school. The premise of the book was talked through with the children and the illustrations discussed.
Next the children went on a word hunt. Each child went around the school grounds and looked for their own lost word (which were very well hidden). This word would inspire the child for the whole week.
The children used these words to create a piece of art, poem, song and drama. Children were given free rein on what they wanted to create. There were many excellent examples of creativity using different mediums; one child had the word piglet and decided to create a plate of bacon using plastic, acrylic paint and PVA. Another child had the word acorn and decided to use metal wire which was bent and twisted into shape to create a metal acorn.
The work was displayed as an exhibition in the classrooms to share their creations.
The childrens' reactions to Art week highlights the importance of the Arts in education:
Alfie, “Art week was really interesting, I liked how everything was down to us. It was original to think of our own ideas.”
Murphy, “It was really fun focusing on the hidden words. I liked using new Medias like ink.”
Agatha, “It was really fun because we got to use different Medias to create our ideas.”
Maisy, “It was a good opportunity to try different things in art and learn new techniques that I didn’t know before.”