Grove Primary School, a school in The Active Learning Trust, has improved its Ofsted grade following a recent inspection.
The school is now rated as requires improvement, with ‘good’ leadership and management and ‘good’ personal development, behaviour and welfare. This is a significant improvement on the school’s previous inspection in March 2017 which rated the leadership of the school was rated as inadequate. And consequently, meant the overall judgement was inadequate.
The school was praised for maintaining a bright, welcoming, safe and secure environment. The report commended the senior leadership team for having high expectations and a clear understanding of what constitutes effective teaching and learning, with a drive and ambition to provide a good quality of education across the school.
Rae Aldous, Executive Headteacher of Grove Primary School, said: “We are very pleased that inspectors have now judged the effectiveness of leadership and management, as well as personal development, behaviour and welfare, as good. It demonstrates the brilliant dedication of our children, staff and community to make the school the best it can be in such a short space of time.
“With the strong leadership foundations now in place, we are confident further improvements are already taking place. I want to thank everyone at the school for their continued support.”
The report comes just a week after The Active Learning Trust became one of the first multi-academy trusts in the country to receive the new summary evaluation review by Ofsted and received glowing comments about the effectiveness of the Trust and its schools.
Grove Primary School’s report highlighted the following areas:
- “Leaders have been single-minded in pursuing their improvement strategy with success. They have eradicated all inadequate teaching and are working determinedly to establish consistently good teaching. Staff are increasingly sharing leaders’ high expectations and, as a result, are working hard to secure the changes that are necessary.”
- “Governance is strong. Governors represent a wide range of skills and experience and use their knowledge to provide effective challenge and support.”
- “In upper Key Stage 2 the learning environment is calm and purposeful. Pupils are rarely distracted from their learning.”
- “Strong leadership in mathematics means that teaching in this subject is a growing strength.”
- “…pupils who are vulnerable or with SEND are accessing the curriculum and making good progress with their learning.”
- “The school is truly inclusive. It employs a growing team focused on the needs of the school’s vulnerable pupils, for example, a speech and language therapist and a family support worker. This team is having a significant impact in the life of individuals and the school.”
- “An overwhelming number of pupils feel safe in school and say that there are adults they can talk to if they are worried. Bullying and discriminatory behaviour are rare.”
- “Pupils enjoy school. They uphold the school’s values in their open and welcoming behaviours. They are tolerant and understand the importance of being respectful to others.”
- “Memorable trips and learning opportunities, a wide range of popular after school clubs, celebratory displays and assemblies all make an effective contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.”
- “In 2018, the percentage of Year 6 pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics was above the national average.”
- “A recent review of phonics teaching has resulted in some improvements with senior leaders aiming for a significant improvement in results this year.”
- “In Key Stage 1 and lower Key Stage 2 pupils are now making better progress in reading, writing and mathematics. This reflects leaders’ actions to ensure higher standards this year.”
- “The rejuvenation of the school woodland has enriched the curriculum.”
Clive Bush, Acting Chief Executive Officer for The Active Learning Trust, added: “We are very pleased by the progress made at Grove Primary School in the last couple of years. For leadership and management to jump to ‘good’ in such a short space of time is an incredible achievement and one that the school should be very proud of. We look forward to working with the school to continue these improvements over the coming years.”