On Sunday 10th May, the government set out the next steps in England’s COVID-19 response.
Ever since our schools closed on Monday 23rd March Active Learning Trust has been working on a plan to ensure that when we start to re-open it will be within a safe environment for pupils and staff.
The government’s plan to return children to schools is to be phased, based on scientific and medical advice.
The plan is for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return first on Monday 1st June, after half term. The government is still to announce when it is planned for other year groups to return.
The government’s plan set out an ambition to allow secondary school students with exams next year ‘at least some time with their teachers before the holidays’. Detailed guidance on how this would work will be set out by the government.
We look forward to seeing pupils return to our schools and will continue to ensure everything is ready and safe in the way which we feel is best for our school and community.
For the remainder of this month pupils will stay at home for classes, unless their parents are classified as ‘key workers’.
We will continue to keep you updated as we progress through the plan to fully re-open all our schools.