Karen Jarvis, Governance lead, explains the role of Local Governing Bodies(LGB) within the Active Learning Trust in our new Governance section.
Governor Vacancies
The Active Learning Trust currently has vacancies for Governors at the following schools, and would be delighted to have the opportunity to tell you more about how you can make a difference to children and young people in your area :-
Chantry Academy in Ipswich
Grove Primary School in Lowestoft
Gusford Primary School in Ipswich
Reydon Primary School in Reydon
The work of the Active Learning Trust is overseen by a Board of Directors. Core responsibilities for each of the fourteen schools within the Trust is devolved to Local Governing Bodies (LGB) and these form the strategic decision-making group in each school. Each LGB has a crucial role in making sure every child gets the best possible education.
If you are interested in supporting schools within your local area, but are unsure of what is involved, the following Frequently Asked Questions may help.
For further Governance advice, answers and information contact : Karen.Jarvis@activelearningtrust.org