The recent HMI report on Burrowmoor Primary has shown that, whilst progress is taking place at Burrowmoor, more remains to be done by both the School and Active Learning Trust.
The original inspection report was used as a basis for the recent visit which clearly identifies where the work of the team and the Trust has started to have an impact. The new leadership model, new governing body, and the recruitment of new teachers have supported the ongoing progress alongside acknowledged development in Nursery, and Years 2 and 6.
The Trust, Governors and leadership team now need to focus on embedding new systems, practice and rigour across the whole school. This will ensure high quality teaching and learning is taking place in all classrooms. A deeper level of support and challenge forms the next stage of improvement at Burrowmoor, enabling the school to progress from ‘special measures’.
Working with HMI and building on his recommendations and guidance will be key to ensuring that the pace of improvement is accelerated.